Over 2.5 years as a product designer at Showbie I shipped countless features and improvements for the iOS apps  and responsive web app. Showbie is a digital classroom app  for students, teachers, and parents on iOS and the web.


Showbie was originally designed and marketed as an iPad app. When Chromebooks began outselling iPads in schools, Showbie had to pivot in order to stay competitive. My first task was to help bring the web app to feature parity. Inspired by the iOS design system and patterns, each web app feature was custom tailored to ensure an optimal user experience on the web.


One of my largest contributions was leading the UX design and implementation of  web annotations. This included importing documents, drawing with the pen tool, recording voice notes, pinned comments, and rich text. The responsive nature of the web made this feature particularly complicated and challenging because the annotated documents needed to look identical on all platforms. Ultimately, this resulted in increased web app usage, and allowed Showbie to continue to grow on a new platform.


Showbie continued to grow significantly during my time at the company, and I was responsible for shipping many new features. This included student portfolios, parent access, grading, in-class discussions, group chat, and real-time collaboration on all screens. Each of these features required major restructuring of the app and the user experience. Working together with the VP Product and development teams we designed and shipped all of these feature simultaneously on all platforms.


Using Format